Premier Family Law Attorneys

Understanding the Divorce Options Available to Couples in Texas

Getting a divorce can be difficult but is often made easier by uncontested divorce options such as collaborative divorce or mediation.

Anyone who is going through a divorce in Texas can attest to the fact that it’s a heartbreaking process. Any options that can provide relief by shortening the process and making it more cost-effective are likely to be welcome. Fortunately, getting a divorce is much easier these days than it used to be. Even a litigated divorce can be over relatively quickly with minimal expense. However, for those hoping to avoid going to court, there are other options.

The uncontested divorce, or amicable divorce, is becoming more popular today because many uncontested divorces cost less than going to court and they can keep children from the conflict of a drawn-out dispute, says the Chicago Times. As with any major decision, each divorce choice should be weighed carefully, since the right solution for one couple may be wrong for another.

Different divorce options

Each of the following options has its own advantages and limitations, so it will help to become familiar with what is required.

  • Collaborative divorce – According to U.S. News, collaborative law can be an effective option for those with complex property division or assets or complicated child visitation issues. During a collaborative divorce, each spouse involves his and her own attorney. Other professionals are often brought in, such as child therapists and financial advisors, to ensure the rights of each party are adequately handled.
  • Mediation – During a mediation, the divorcing couple sits with a neutral third party, usually an attorney with mediation experience or a certified mediator (an attorney can also be a certified mediator) to resolve issues in a calm and respectful discussion. This option is beneficial for couples who can treat each other civilly and listen to concerns and issues with an open mind.
  • Litigation – Some divorce disputes are best handled by a judge. However, just because a divorce goes to court does not necessarily mean it will be a lengthy or expensive process. In many cases, a judge can resolve matters fairly for all parties while also being time- and cost-effective.

Some divorces should not be attempted with collaborative law or mediation. These may include relationships where there was domestic violence or substance abuse. It can also be best to litigate if one spouse feels intimidated or afraid of the other or is at a significant financial disadvantage.

Whether you want to try for a collaborative or mediated divorce, or if you feel that litigation is best, it’s a good idea to contact an experienced family law attorney who can discuss your options with you and help you come up with the ideal solution for your situation.
